
More USC by Yankee's Manager

Yankee manager Joe Girardi, in yesterday's game against the Florida Marlins, noticed that the Marlins had made a substitution mistake by sending one wrong player into the field for the eighth inning. So what did he do? Did he call timeout and inform the Marlins of their error prior to the first pitch of the inning? Nope. He intentionally waited until after the first pitch and then called timeout to protest the mistake to the umpire and to announce that the Yankees would play the remainder of the game (which they were losing 6-3) under protest.

I'm well aware that Major League Baseball is a business and is hyper-competitive, and that many admire the Yankee skipper's clever exploitation of the Marlins' mistake. However, I cannot believe that such a move, while within the rules, is an example of good sportsmanship. For me, it may have been fair (according to the rules) but it was also ungentlemanly, maybe even unmanly.

The Marlins won the game, 6 to 5.